Defending Champ Bowls Mum Over to make Quarterfinals at NZ Open

It’s a rare sporting occurrence that finds a mother and daughter facing each other for a chance at a national title, but womLeigh and Kirsten nz open singlesen’s singles defending champion Kirsten Griffin (United) found herself in that situation today at The Trusts New Zealand Open 2013.  Dispatching her first opponent in post-section play this afternoon 21-4, Griffin then came up against her mother Leigh Griffin (Victoria) in the round of 16, and rolled her out in another solid bowls display (21-9) to make the quarterfinals tomorrow at 1pm. The Griffins will meet each other on the tournament greens again on Tuesday, November 12, but this time they’ll be on the same team playing in post-section of the women’s pairs.

“It’s great playing with my mum because she’s my best mate,” the successful young bowler says.

In a brief, nine-year career the 22-year-old bowler has represented her country in the under-18 Trans-Tasman event (2010), won the Kittyhawks Under 20 National Singles in 2009, become the youngest player in Wellington to earn her gold star for winning five Centre titles and is now a member of the New Zealand Development Squad.

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