Congratulations Ray & Rob!

A very successful 14th Speight’s Victoria Invitation Men’s 2-4-2 Pairs concluded in a fantastic see-saw final with Ray Boffa (Paraparaumu Beach) and Rob Ashton (Johnsonville) coming out on top 13-11 over Grant Wakefield and AJ Cronin (Johnsonville). This was Ray’s 2nd Victoria Invitation pairs title whereas Rob broke his bridesmaid tag having lost on three previous occasions at the final hurdle.

Victoria was blessed with almost two full days of sun, lots of spectators, good greens, great food, friendly hospitality in the bar, and efficient organisation and a big thankyou goes out to all the helpers, players and supporters for making this a memorable two days!!

Full results are available on the Invitation 2-4-2 Pairs page…

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