Well done Lisa! Gold Medal in Six Nations!

The Black Jacks Women’s Fours team followed in the footsteps of their male counterparts by taking on the Australians in the Six Nations final in Adelaide. Like the men they walked away with a gold medal by the conclusion of the afternoon’s event.

The Women’s team of world number one and skip Jo Edwards, Mandy Boyd, Jan Khan and Lisa White, played Australia in a tight game. The Six Nations International Invitation Event is Boyd and White’s debut international event.

Going into the final they were “fired up and ready to go” says National Coach Dave Edwards, as well as keen to share in the limelight of a gold medal, along with their male teammates. Certainly proving that they can hold their own, they took a 18-9 win over Australia in the final.

“It was a really good team performance. Jo played a couple of killing bowls, but was only able to because the front players played their part” comments Dave Edwards “The game was very, very close”

The New Zealand team didn’t begin to draw away from the Australians until after the 10th end where they were 9 all. From here the Black Jacks drew their lead scoring 9 unanswered points in the next 4 ends.

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