16th Speight’s Victoria Invitation Mens 2-4-2 Pairs Final live scoring…

12 end final (in brilliant sunny conditions):

Gary Lawson (Canterbury) & Lance Pascoe (Wilton) v Grant Wakefield & AJ Cronin (Johnsonville)

G & L   End   G & A
2            1           0
3            2           0
4            3           0
4            4           1
5            5           1
5            6           2
5            7           4
6            8            4
6            9            7
7          10           7
10         11           7
10        12         10
10      Extra     11

Extra end, AJ under pressure again – at least 1 to Gazza and Lance with skips bowls to come… AJ draws really close – measure? 1 each left but Lance may have to do something here… Narrow, pumps a bowl onto AJ’s bowl but does not move it far enough – WIN TO JOHNSONVILLE!!!

For full results and write-up up to the final go to the 2-4-2 Invitation Pairs page

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