Congratulations to the Wellington Yr 1-8 Women who have won the National final played at Johnsonville over the weekend.
The side recorded consistent results throughout the 5 rounds of competition, being equal with Auckland on points after every round, but staying ahead on differential throughout. Singles player Nicole Toomey won four of her five matches.
The final result was Wellington 30 points +44 diff, Auckland 30 -9 diff, Dunedin 25, Canterbury 19 +31 diff, Waikato 19 -6 diff and Hawkes Bay10
The Men’s side finished 3rd coming back strongly on day 2, to win 5 and draw 1 of their last 6 games. The final result was Dunedin 29, Auckland 25, Wellington 23, Canterbury 19, Hawkes Bay 18 and Thames Valley 17. Tim Toomey was skip of the fours team.