Category: Competitions

  • Social Twilight Bowls in November – Enter Now!

    Get the upcoming summer off to a good start with the always popular Twilight Social Bowls competition (November edition). Featuring LAWN BOWLS, good laughs, a bar, and we will have food available, possibly in the form a food truck, or a bbq. Poster attached Business House – November 2017 that you can pass around. Teams…

  • Well done Junior Mens Reps!

    Congratulations to Mark Burgess (pictured left in first photo) and James Fairhall (pictured right in second photo) who were in the Wellington Junior Rep team that were very convincing winners of the recent Hexagonal intercentre match in Whanganui. Amber Down also played in the womens team who finished 5th.

  • Mens champ fours draw posted…

    Go to the Competitions page for the Mens Champ Fours draw for this Saturday. Skips will be advised if their matches are affected by the Wellington Junior Rep match.

  • Live Scoring of final…

    Check out the Invitation 2-4-2 pairs page for live scoring of the final. Ray Martin (Victoria) & Scotty McGavin (Manawatu) v Wayne Coleman (Miramar) & Terry Johnson (Manawatu)

  • Invitation 2-4-2 Pairs this weekend!

    The greens are looking great as we pray for kinder weather for the 21st Speight’s Victoria Invitation 2-4-2 Pairs this weekend. Another high class field will assemble on election day including World Champion Shannon McIlroy with Justin Goodwin, 2015 champs Robbie Bird and Jayden Ravji, 2012 champs Grant Wakefield and Adrian Cronin, 2010 champs Ray…

  • Well done Brad, Ray & Rich!

    The New Zealand Professional Bowls Association held its national Finals Weekend at the new Naenae complex last weekend. Bradley Down held number 4 in the national PBA rankings going into the weekend but had to watch with baited breath for the results of the World Indoor Singles playoffs before he could be confirmed as the…