Category: General News

  • Closing night enjoyed by all!

    Some pics from the club’s closing night (with some preparing for the F.A Cup Final a bit later…)  

  • Lisa joins 6 Nations Squad!

    After constant standout performances Lisa White has been added to the New Zealand 6 Nations Squad which will compete in Adelaide in May. Lisa has spent two seasons as a member of the Wellington Talent Development Squad, and been monitored by New Zealand selectors who have been impressed with her performances, convincing them to give…

  • Subs going up! Club champ entries book. Business House flyers.

    A reminder that the club subscription fees discount expires on 30 September. If you pay now, a sub is $150 – if you leave it until 1st October it will be $175. If members have not made arrangements with the Treasurer (Leigh) by the end of November, then those members will not be able to…

  • Green allocation and Committee pages updated

    The Green allocations page under Competitions for tournaments allocated to Victoria by Bowls Wellington, and the Committee page have been updated for the 2011-12 season.

  • Enter your Business House Bowls team now!

    Business House Bowls begins 8th November – entries are filling fast so you better be in! Put this VBC Business House Poster 2011 up at work to get your team of 4 players. Organisers are Nairn MacGibbon on 0274488373 or Colvin Inglis on 02102396880

  • Season Opening this Saturday!

    Welcome to a brand new season and may it be as successful as the last!!! Please help out this Saturday morning on a Working Bee at 10am. The green should be open for roll-ups at 1pm. The first jack and bowl at 4.30pm. President’s shout when he gets back from Paraparaumu Beach… See you Saturday!